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Example Technical Specification

Note: This is a simplified example specification. Generated specifications will be much more detailed and tailored to your specific requirements.

Project Overview

Create a simple React component that displays a list of items with search functionality.


  • Display items in a responsive grid layout
  • Implement search filtering
  • Add loading states
  • Handle empty states

Implementation Steps

  1. Create ItemList component
  2. Add search input field
  3. Implement filtering logic
  4. Add loading and empty states

Component Structure

interface Item {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    description: string;

interface ItemListProps {
    items: Item[];
    isLoading?: boolean;


  • Use CSS Grid for responsive layout
  • Implement debounced search
  • Add error boundaries
  • Include accessibility features

This is just a basic example. Your generated spec will include much more detail, specific implementation steps, and comprehensive technical requirements based on your input.